The Bitter Break-up Note

My Great Love…

Wish I could carry this note and hand it over to you on what may probably be my last chance to see you. I’ve been reflecting about everything that happened to us the past days. How, I wish this was similar to those petty fights we’ve had before. How I’ve consoled myself into thinking that in the end, you’d forgive me and we’d be alright again. But, I figured this was something different. I felt that this is maybe the end of our relationship. I can honestly tell you that the whole situation has not fully synced in to me. Yet the magnitude of the sadness has been this difficult to bear. Wish I could have just cry it all out in one sitting and numb myself of everything but my psyche and physiological make-up won’t allow me to. I’d have to go through the process of grief. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like, once this gets in my head.

I do not want to say sorry anymore for it’ll be like saying sorry to the way I have loved you.

I don’t want to be a hypocrite into saying that I am at peace with all of this.

The pain I feel is a manifestation of the magnitude of the love I feel for you that you left hanging.

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A man who never doubted the sun's intentions.


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